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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

In 1962 a mass conspiracy theory surfaced that there was a bug loose in a textile mill that was biting people causing them to fall ill. It was called the June bug epidemic. Of course, I’ve written about the lizard people which was also a popular conspiracy theory. And who could forget Salem? That is…

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A couple of years ago I brought to your attention the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr. For those of you who missed it, brothers and sisters, I think that story bears repeating, especially in these turbulent times of information overload and, ahem, “alternative truth.” If Frank Abagnale Jr doesn’t ring an immediate bell, perhaps…

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It happened on Sunday. On Sunday, cable news’s sanity and rationality suffered a bit of a disturbance.(That’s putting it mildly.) This is because an orange gnome decided it might be a bright idea to grant a specific network an interview. Let’s say things did not go well. The creepy black widow spider, known as Faux…

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Lindsey Graham is up to his old tricks again. Over the weekend, Graham spoke about Iran, condemning President Biden and steering the conversation back to the only thing of importance in the South Carolina senator’s life. That would be Donald Trump. Graham said things would be different if Donald Trump were in office because the…

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February is from Latin februa, meaning “to cleanse,” and was named after the Roman month-long festival of atonement. It was also the Roman month honoring the dead. This February 2024 is a calendar-correcting Leap Year. I tragically lost my beloved younger sister on Leap Day 2000. Not only was her sudden absence devastating, but we…

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The bad news: imagine you’re a four times-indicted criminal defendant with millions of dollars in mounting legal fees. You’ve just been handed, in rapid succession, two crushing civil defamation judgments, one for 5 million dollars and the other for a blood-curdling 83.3 million dollars, both for raping and then defaming a woman. Meanwhile a judge…

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“This feels a bit like a toddler showing their parents they can tie their shoes.” Those words come from Campaign strategist Susan Del Percio who wrote a column for MSNBC about Trump’s declining mental health. Del Percio writes that Trump’s “declining mental capacity” is now his biggest vulnerability. She writes that Trump is very clearly…

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It’s far too early for poll numbers to tell us much about what the 2024 election will end up looking like. But there is some data within the current polling that appears absolutely disastrous for Donald Trump. 2024 polling, on the average, pretty much shows Joe Biden and Donald Trump tied. The media (on both…

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I do adore it when Palmer Report is validated. This validation has been happening quite often lately, and with what President Biden just accomplished, the validation is pouring in. President Biden has won the South Carolina primary. In spite of all the wailing of imminent doom, by clueless pundits, President Biden didn’t just have a…

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Last month, in a New Hampshire Democratic primary that didn’t officially count for anything, President Joe Biden won in a landslide despite not being on the ballot. Biden’s ability to dominate as a write-in candidate was a solid reminder of how popular he is with voters. It was also a reminder that candidates like Dean…

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