Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

In one of my early articles for Palmer Report, I compared the media to an irritating leaky faucet. I am about to use that metaphor again, but not for the media. This is for the House Republican caucus, in particular Gym Jordan and James Comer. It is also a warning to ignore the drip, drip,…

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When the Democrats won the special election on Tuesday, they didn’t just win an evenly matched “toss up” race by ten points. They won in a district (and a state) that was one of their weakest areas just a year and a half ago. It’s easy to forget that if not for weak turnout in…

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Bad news is a super-storm that absolutely nobody wants to find themselves engulfed in. Unfortunately for Donald Trump, that’s all he’s been finding lately. Wherever Trump turns, bad news easily follows. It’s just not his day — or week – or year. But Donald Trump is not going to like this latest piece of bad…

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