The first time I visited Salem, Massachusetts, I felt – SOMETHING. I felt it in the air. How could one NOT feel SOMETHING? Reminders of that terrible time in our history were all around. And though the community of Salem as it is today is a beautiful place where people walk, laugh, and shop freely,…

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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

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Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

Donate to Palmer Report.

Reportedly CNN analyst Maggie Haberman’s phone has been blowing up — with excited texts from Trumpworld figures celebrating the news of Trump’s indictment. Well, that figures, right? I imagine many of the same republicans who are speaking out with anger are secretly thrilled — only they just can’t say so publicly. “There is a long…

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Finally, the day of reckoning has arrived: Donald Trump has been indicted. Here’s to it being the first of many. Donald Trump always called himself the “best” president in history, and he now has one claim he can truthfully make: he’s the first current or former president indicted on criminal charges. The Manhattan grand jury,…

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It’s double the stupid, people! We have not just one but TWO idiots currently going insane. First on the idiot list is Donald Trump Junior. Yep, as we speak, as I write these words, Junior is experiencing — well — how shall I say this… He is going insane. Nuts. Over the cliff. Crazy. Lunatic…

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