Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’
Donald Trump is taking the GOP down with him
We told you something wasn’t right with the Trump DOJ’s investigation into Richard Burr
Let’s talk about Donald Trump’s resume
This idiot just doesn’t do his homework
Everyone piles on after “Obamagate” blows up in Donald Trump’s face
Devastating new ad casts Donald Trump as drug dealer who gets put in his place
Donald Trump’s GOP allies in Congress just got burned something fierce
Donald Trump just hit the panic button
Donald Trump’s stooge Kevin McCarthy just got obliterated
Susan Rice fires back at Donald Trump after his declassification stunt backfires on him
Donald Trump’s obsession with President Obama just catastrophically blew up in his face
“What in God’s name is he doing?” Donald Trump gets ripped to pieces for his drug abuse confession
Rachel Maddow just nailed it
Donald Trump just doubled down on his hydroxychloroquine mess in the dumbest way possible
Donald Trump just declassified an exonerating Susan Rice email and unwittingly blew up his own conspiracy theory
Joe Biden just slam dunked Donald Trump Jr
Is Donald Trump about to get unmasked?
Nancy Pelosi just dropped another ton of bricks on Donald Trump
Donald Trump just got destroyed
Everyone piles on after Donald Trump has completely incoherent meltdown about potatoes
Donald Trump comes out swinging at Nancy Pelosi, misses, falls down, hits himself in the head
Donald Trump’s stooge Martha McSally is so incredibly screwed
The real reason President Obama is living rent free in Donald Trump’s head
Donald Trump’s death spiral
This guy is an idiot
This is just getting lame
The dead giveaway in Donald Trump’s hydroxychloroquine confession
The Lincoln Project just dunked on Donald Trump again
Donald Trump has deranged meltdown about disgraced former Fox News boss Roger Ailes
Donald Trump has berserk profane late night meltdown after Fox News lashes out at him
Lawrence O’Donnell just destroyed Donald Trump
Everyone piles on after Nancy Pelosi calls Donald Trump “morbidly obese”
Nancy Pelosi warns “morbidly obese” Donald Trump about the dangers of his hydroxychloroquine habit
The House just revealed it’s open to impeaching Donald Trump again
This new letter from Donald Trump’s doctor isn’t helping his case
You’re darn right Donald Trump is going senile!
It’s even worse for Donald Trump if he’s lying about this one
Get ready for the Red Death
“This will kill you” – even Fox News is telling Donald Trump he’s out of his mind for taking hydroxychloroquine
When Donald Trump announced today that he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine for a week and a half as a preventative measure against the coronavirus outbreak in the White House, most people didn’t seem inclined to believe him. It has literally no benefit as a coronavirus treatment, and it kills a lot of people. As Palmer Report…
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