Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey fires back at Donald Trump
Kamala Harris just dunked on Donald Trump
Donald Trump throws #ExecutiveOrder tantrum after Twitter refuses to cave to him
Fox News stooge Lou Dobbs goes completely off the deep end as Donald Trump unravels
George Conway just stomped all over Donald Trump
Donald Trump signs idiotic new executive order aimed at punishing Twitter
Oops: Rush Limbaugh just gave away Donald Trump’s game
Donald Trump whines and cries about how “unfair” it is that his campaign is falling apart
Kellyanne Conway’s “cupcake” meltdown goes completely off the rails
Mitt Romney slam dunks Donald Trump
The #TrumpMeltdown continues as Donald Trump threatens to shut down Twitter entirely
I hate Donald Trump
Wall Street Journal rips Donald Trump to pieces
There’s something really alarming about how Donald Trump keeps threatening to poison himself
Donald Trump’s house of cards is falling apart in real time
Donald Trump goes completely bonkers at the end of one of his worst days yet
The Lincoln Project just did it to Donald Trump again
Joe Scarborough just had the perfect response to Donald Trump’s insane lies about him
Joe Biden obliterates Donald Trump with just three words
Donald Trump is going to HATE this
Brad Parscale has total meltdown as everything goes wrong for him
Rachel Maddow just nailed Donald Trump to the wall
Donald Trump throws psychotic “FREE SPEECH” tantrum after Twitter finally fact-checks him
Donald Trump’s big bluff is already falling apart
Joe Biden changes his profile picture to stick it to Donald Trump
Donald Trump has screwed himself – and it just cost him
Donald Trump has bizarre insulin meltdown in White House Rose Garden
Donald Trump’s supposed murder of “Carolyn Gombell” sets Twitter ablaze
Earlier today Twitter announced that it’s not taking any action against Donald Trump for his ongoing tweets which falsely accuse “Morning Joe” Scarborough of having murdered a woman. In response, a popular account called “The Tweet of God” has posted a lengthy and detailed allegation that Donald Trump murdered a woman named Carolyn Gombell in…
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