Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’
Donald Trump comes off as half dead during disastrous press conference
Howard Dean just destroyed Donald Trump
Fox News confirms Donald Trump made deranged remarks about the troops
Donald Trump just caved
Did Donald Trump just accidentally confess to having a heart attack?
Military veteran throws his Trump yard sign in the trash
This just keeps getting uglier
Hey Donald Trump, this is just the beginning
Mary Trump slam dunks Donald Trump amid bombshell scandal
Lindsey Graham would like to have this tweet back
Donald Trump has bizarre late night meltdown about John McCain, gives something away in the process
Kanye West kicked off ballot in key swing state after judge accuses him of fraud
Bill Barr is completely off the rails
The election factor no one is talking about
This number should scare the hell out of Donald Trump
How the media missed Donald Trump’s health crisis coverup
Donald Trump trashes disabled veterans, says U.S. soldiers who die at war are “suckers” and “losers”
The real reason Vladimir Putin is escalating his antics
Donald Trump’s collapsing health just came front and center in the 2020 election
Donald Trump Jr has completely bonkers freak-out on live national television
Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown after Fox News suggests it’s all slipping away from him
Donald Trump has no idea what he’s doing and he’s running out of time
Donald Trump posts utterly bizarre tweet about former Trump supporters
So much for Donald Trump’s big bounce
Donald Trump appears to slip up and admit he’s taking “enhancement” drugs
How Donald Trump lost Kenosha
Donald Trump’s “ramp-gate” scandal just got even uglier
Bill Barr swings and misses yet again
Bill Barr is on television right now, basically admitting that he’s going to use his position as Attorney General to try to help Donald Trump in the election. That’s appalling, criminal, disgusting. It’s also not necessarily something to be scared of, because Barr isn’t very good at this. We’re all supposed to believe that Bill…
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