Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’
Nothing is stopping Robert Mueller now
Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about the arrest of Roger Stone
Nancy Pelosi twists the knife
Donald Trump goes off the deep end after “Trump caves” takes over Twitter
The real reason Robert Mueller suddenly hurried up and nabbed Roger Stone, after months of waiting
Weekend at Donald’s
Roger Stone is even stupider than I thought
There are very few people who truly scare the crap out of Donald Trump. Here’s why Roger Stone is one of them.
Robert Mueller just made sure Donald Trump can’t pardon Roger Stone
Donald Trump caves like an idiot on wall and shutdown after his world collapses
Donald Trump has bizarre “broken down hack” meltdown
Donald Trump goes off a cliff
Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes off the deep end after Roger Stone gets arrested
Roger Stone gets arrested, and it looks like Steve Bannon is next
The GOP Senate revolts against Donald Trump, and Mitch McConnell gets caught in the crossfire
Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters launch new joint investigation into Donald Trump
Nancy Pelosi hits Donald Trump where it hurts
We told you Jared Kushner was going down
The real reason Michael Cohen just got subpoenaed by the Senate Intel Committee
Donald Trump has incoherent meltdown in front of the television cameras
Donald Trump spirals out of control as Senate bill fails to reopen the government
Elijah Cummings comes out swinging
Kamala Harris slam dunks Donald Trump
Nancy Pelosi has a secret weapon against Donald Trump
Nancy Pelosi piles on after Donald Trump caves
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