The real reason Donald Trump hasn’t posted any of his own tweets since Roy Moore lost

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Thanks to the never-ending twists and turns of Donald Trump’s chaotic and illegitimate failed presidency, it’s difficult to believe that his candidate Roy Moore lost the election just five days ago. Instead it feels like that took place several weeks ago, considering all of the additional Trump scandals that have played out since. That stretch of time may feel even longer to Trump, who – as best we can parse – hasn’t posted any tweets of his own since election night.

During the past five days, a few tweets have appeared on Trump’s official Twitter account per day. But most of them have been generic or promotional in nature. Trump has never written those tweets. For that matter nearly all of them have embedded videos or similar technical feats that we all know Trump can’t pull off (Trump is just now learning how to use the “retweet” button, years after the feature first debuted). His tweets congratulating Corey Lewandowski and thanking Omarosa – two people he fired – don’t come off as being something he could possibly write.

The only tweet that could possibly have been written by Trump himself was posted on Thursday. It read “Republican Tax Cuts are looking very good. All are working hard. In the meantime, the Stock Market hit another record high!” But even that tweet doesn’t seem to match up with his usual pattern of randomly capitalizing words for no reason; this tweet improperly capitalizes words for specific emphasis. So if Trump hasn’t tweeted in five days, what’s even going on?

One theory would be that the Alabama election broke his spirit. He threw all his weight behind Moore, even after his own party cautioned him not to, and the result was nothing short of humiliating for him. It’s also possible that he’s finally figured out how screwed he is in the Trump-Russia scandal, and he’s not even sure what to say. In any case, his staff seems worried enough to jump in and keep up appearances by creating the illusion that he’s still tweeting.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need $2,913 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.