Donald Trump realizes he’s screwed, goes on berserk rant about his Russia scandal

For months we’ve all been waiting to see what it would take for Donald Trump to finally realize that he’s screwed in his Russia scandal, while some have come to wonder if he’s even psychologically capable of realizing such a thing. Now we finally have our answer. Four days after he learned that Michael Flynn is negotiating a crippling plea deal against him, Trump finally realized today how screwed he is – and he went off the deep end accordingly.
All along, Donald Trump has been trying to distract from the news about his Russia scandal by any means possible. If he thinks a major Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land, he picks a fight with a famous black athlete, or he randomly begins ranting about Hillary Clinton. But on Sunday evening, after having spent the weekend trying and failing to find a way to distract the public (and perhaps distract himself) from the Flynn news, Trump just couldn’t do it anymore, and he let loose.
Trump tweeted “Since the first day I took office, all you hear is the phony Democrat excuse for losing the election, Russia, Russia,Russia. Despite this I have the economy booming and have possibly done more than any 10 month President. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” So now he’s finally acknowledging the Russia scandal, in frantic fashion, complete with mis-spaced commas and an all caps crescendo. In what may have been a Freudian slip, he also appeared to accidentally frame himself as only being a “ten month president.” So now what?
It’s not yet clear how quickly Michael Flynn’s plea negotiation will progress, or how soon Special Counsel Robert Mueller will gain enough evidence from that deal to begin arresting even bigger fish. But it is clear that Donald Trump has finally figured out, at long last, that he’s completely screwed.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report