Donald Trump sent hidden tweet about Trump Tower Moscow to organizer of Trump Jr’s Russia meeting

This week it’s been confirmed that Donald Trump was trying to build a Trump Tower in Moscow while he was running for President of the United States, and that his own attorney reached out to Vladimir Putin through his spokesman to try to make it happen. This is damning enough on its own. But as it turns out, Trump’s own hidden words reveal that the Trump Tower Moscow plot also involved the organizer of Donald Trump’s Jr’s Russia meeting.
When Donald Trump Jr met with Russian government representatives during the 2016 election, the meeting was facilitated by Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov and his musician son Emin Agalarov. That’s led to the long lingering question of why the Agalarovs were willing to do this, and what motivated them. So it’s noteworthy that in November of 2013, Donald Trump sent a tweet to Aras Agalarov that said the following: “I had a great weekend with you and your family. You have done a FANTASTIC job. TRUMP TOWER-MOSCOW is next. EMIN was WOW!” Emin Agalarov then replied to Trump’s tweet, saying “Mr. Trump thank you for [bringing] #missuniverse to us we had an awesome time TRUMP tower Moscow – lets make it happen!”
Although Donald Trump’s tweet has been theoretically visible to the public all along, his decision to put “@AgalarovAras” at the front of it meant that it did not show up in main feed of his Twitter account, and the public would only see it by viewing his “Tweets & Replies” tab. That’s why Trump’s words were essentially hidden at the time, and have only recently been unearthed by various Twitter sleuthers who had gone hunting for any relevant mentions.
So now we know that Donald Trump was discussing the Trump Tower Moscow project with the billionaire Agalarovs all the way back in 2013. The clear upshot is that he wanted them to fund it or invest in it. Then in 2016, when Trump was still trying to get Trump Tower Moscow built, it was the Agalarovs who facilitated a meeting in which Kremlin reps offered to give election-influencing dirt to Donald Trump’s son.