Three Donald Trump advisers met with Russia at Republican Convention; Ukraine platform changed

Three of Donald Trump’s campaign advisers, including current Attorney General Jeff Sessions, met with the Russian Ambassador in Cleveland during the 2016 Republican National Convention. The Trump-led Republican Party then went on to fundamentally alter its party platform during the convention, reversing its stance on the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine.
The three Trump advisers who met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the Republican National Convention are Jeff Sessions, Carter Page, and J.D. Gordon. Sessions is now admitting the meeting took place, while USA Today is reporting that the other two advisers participated. This is key, because questions have been simmering for months as to the specific circumstances which caused the Republican Party to officially change its stance on the Ukraine at the convention. Was it merely Trump’s personal position? Had Russia pressured him to do it under threat of blackmail?
And now we know that three key members of the Trump campaign met with the Russian Ambassador in the same precise timeframe and location in which the Ukraine party platform change was made. Sessions is now also admitting that he subsequently met with the Russian Ambassador on September 8th, and that the Ukraine was discussed in that conversation. This is a reversal from his denial last night, when he claimed that his conversations with the Russian Ambassador did not have anything to do with campaign matters.
This also further cements the fact that Sessions perjured himself by lying to Congress under oath about the matter during his confirmation hearings last month. It comes as little surprise that Sessions is now offering to recuse himself from any role in the investigation – he still may end up having to resign as Attorney General. This it further shatters the months of denials from the Donald Trump campaign that anyone involved with the campaign had any contact with Russia during the election.
Furthermore it’s notable that both Jeff Sessions and Carter Page met with the Russian Ambassador while at the Republican National Convention. As we’ve previously reported, there is strong reason to believe that Sessions and his office were responsible for Page having first been hired to the Trump campaign. Help us investigate Trump-Russia!
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