Roger Stone admits it’s over for Donald Trump

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Donald Trump’s longtime friend and adviser Roger Stone has had a hard time getting his message out lately, now that Twitter has permanently banned him for harassing and threatening people. However, Stone is talking now, and his message is anything but good news for his pal Trump. In fact Stone is now admitting that it’s over for Trump, and he’s laying out what’s about to happen next.

Stone says it’s “painfully obvious” that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will bring criminal charges against Donald Trump, and that Trump and his attorneys are being naive for not seeing it coming, according to a new Vanity Fair profile piece (link). From there, Stone believes Trump’s own cabinet will use it as an opportunity to use the 25th Amendment to oust him. This comes just two days after another Trump adviser, Steve Bannon, told a rally crowd in Alabama that the Republican Party is likely to oust Trump the minute the tax bill process is complete.

Of course Roger Stone’s primary goal is to sell books to his fringe supporters, and he’s already published one book taking credit for Donald Trump’s political rise. Now he claims he’s writing a new book called “The Fall of Trump” and while he’s hoping he won’t have to publish it, he’s planning on having to publish. Keep in mind that while Stone is just looking to sell his books, if he believed Trump were going to survive this, he’d be working on a another book about Trump succeeding.

So while Roger Stone is not to be trusted, this is a clear-as-day sign that he thinks it’s over for Donald Trump, and it’s just a matter of time before his ouster. By all accounts Stone still speaks with Trump regularly, so he’s basing this on what Trump is telling him. In other words, even though Trump can’t put together the pieces himself and is instead lost in a haze of self-denial, the things Trump is telling Stone are just that bleak.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.