Robert Mueller comes out swinging against Donald Trump and Russia with grand jury subpoenas
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a grand jury underway in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal and it’s already issuing subpoenas, according to separate reports from multiple major news outlets. These new revelations help point to what Mueller has been doing behind the scenes, and that he’s now ready to begin taking aggressive action in the public eye. It also means that Trump – and his family – are in severe trouble.
First there was the report from the Wall Street Journal this afternoon that Mueller had impaneled a Trump-Russia grand jury “in recent weeks” which is separate from any grand juries that had been underway at the time he took over the investigation (link). In other words, this is not just about Michael Flynn, the target of an earlier grand jury. But then Reuters chimed in with more details about just how far along this new grand jury is.
According to the Reuters report, the Mueller grand jury in question has now issued subpoenas in relation to the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and Russia. The specific targets of those subpoenas have not yet been revealed, though CBS News reported last night that the investigation was planning to pursue the phone records of those who attended the meeting. It’s not yet clear if the subpoenas in question are for those phone records. But what is clear is that the Special Counsel investigation has turned the corner.
It’s worth emphasizing that Robert Mueller has hired sixteen high profile prosecutors for his Special Counsel team. This has long pointed to a strategy in which he would indict and and prosecute Donald Trump’s associates and underlings in order to motivate them to flip and testify against Trump himself. Now that grand jury subpoenas are being issued, it helps to confirm that this is indeed his strategy. And it points to just how quickly things are ramping up. If you find Palmer Report valuable, make a donation.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report