Greenpeace installs giant “RESIST” banner over the White House in protest of Donald Trump

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If Donald Trump is in the White House today, he might want to avoid looking out the window if he doesn’t want to get his feelings hurt — nd tourists in Washington DC might want to head over to the White House for once in a lifetime selfies. Greenpeace activists have managed to attach a gigantic banner reading “RESIST” to the top of a nearby construction crane, creating the following visual:

photo: @SocialPower1 | Twitter

The activists took advantage of an existing construction crane parked at a nearby construction site. The banner is actually a couple blocks away from the White House, but when looking at the White House, the banner appears to be flying atop it pirate-style. To give you an idea of how gigantic the RESIST banner is, the two black splotches in this photo are people:

If you want to stand in solidarity with Greenpeace, which has confirmed that the RESIST banner is its handiwork, you can donate on the Greenpeace website.

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