Proof surfaces that Donald Trump has been lying about the Trump-Russia dossier all along

Donald Trump has spent all year making various claims aimed at refuting or undermining the infamous Trump-Russia dossier. He regularly tweets aspersions about it. He once called up the FBI Director just to deny the dossier’s “Pee Pee Tape” allegation. He’s spent the past week obsessively insisting that the dossier is “fake news” invented by Hillary Clinton. Now proof has surfaced that Trump has been lying about the dossier all along.
Trump has been routinely insisting that Hillary Clinton funded the Trump-Russia dossier, and that she paid millions of dollars for it. At one point he tweeted “Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?)” At another point he tweeted “Report out that Obama Campaign paid $972,000 to Fusion GPS. The firm also got $12,400,000 (really?) from DNC. Nobody knows who OK’d!”
No one can figure out where Trump has been getting these dollar amounts from. However, now we know for sure that Trump is lying about it. Reuters has confirmed that when Democratic Party-connected interests paid for the ongoing funding of the dossier, that payment was a mere $168,000 (link). In other words, not only did Trump lie about the number, he exaggerated it by a whopping 7000% in the process. This proves two things.
First, it’s clear that the Trump-Russia dossier was nothing more than run of the mill opposition research, which is standard procedure for every presidential campaign. If the payment had been $12 million, that would suggest that perhaps they had overpaid in order to assure a desired result. But at a price tag of just $168,000, this was clearly nothing more than a standard research fee. Second, this proves that Trump is making up wild lies about the dossier – which means that he’s become nothing short of desperate to falsely discredit it.