President Joe Biden just delivered a master class on how to make a fake scandal go away

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This afternoon I wrote that rather than today being a big news day or slow news day, it was a stupid news day. Today’s news cycle has been dominated by a number of storylines that are getting a lot of attention but ultimately aren’t going anywhere and won’t have any real impact. President Joe Biden just reminded us of why.

Earlier today the special counsel investigating Biden’s handling of classified documents fully exonerated him. But because special counsels who are appointed to investigate fake scandals don’t like to admit that they found nothing, this particular special counsel baselessly claimed that Biden had memory problems.

So what did President Biden do? He held a press conference just now and came out swinging. He called out the special counsel for basically lying about what Biden could and couldn’t remember. He condemned the special counsel for trying to make it personal about his deceased son. And, most importantly, Biden showed that he’s sharp as a tack. When Fox News jackass Peter Doocy asked him how bad his memory is, Biden said “my memory’s so bad that I let you speak.”

Biden just delivered a masterclass in how to make a fake scandal go away. There’s obviously nothing wrong with his memory, or he wouldn’t have been able to go on TV and deliver such a powerful and masterful press conference – which of course is why he did it. If the media now goes and writes that Biden supposedly has memory problems, after he just outwitted them in a press conference, they’ll look like complete idiots.

By November, no persuadable voters are going to remember that some no-name special counsel issued a report questioning Joe Biden’s memory. But they are going to see a fully senile Donald Trump on television, confusing his attorney for a refrigerator. This isn’t going to be a “both sides” thing, no matter how badly the media wants it to be.

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