Yet another key Donald Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to felony

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort is currently under house arrest while awaiting trial on charges including conspiracy against the United States. Trump’s campaign adviser Rick Gates is also under house arrest. Trump campaign advisers Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos have cut plea deals and agreed to help expose the crimes of even more Trump advisers in the Trump-Russia scandal. Meanwhile, yet another Trump campaign adviser has pleaded guilty to a felony.
Trump’s Oklahoma campaign chairman Ralph Shortey has pleaded guilty to child sex trafficking among other disturbing crimes, according to local Oklahoma network news affiliate KFOR (link). If this were an isolated matter, it could be viewed as simply one bad hire by the Trump campaign. However, in light of the sheer number of Trump campaign advisers who have been arrested or pleaded guilty to various crimes, this stands out as being part of a larger pattern. Moreover, the conviction of a key Trump campaign adviser on child sex crimes comes at the worst possible time for Trump and the Republicans.
Trump just held a campaign rally on Friday night in support of Alabama Senate candidate and accused serial child molester Roy Moore. The evidence against Moore is so disturbing and overwhelming that large chunks of his own Republican Party have sought to distance themselves from him. In contrast, Trump has rushed in to support Moore emphatically. Trump is a self admitted serial sexual predator in his own right, so perhaps this shouldn’t come as a surprise.
There are likely far more arrests of Donald Trump campaign advisers to come. Michael Flynn has clearly given up crucial evidence against his former colleagues in exchange for the lenient plea deal he received. Flynn had been facing arrest for charges potentially including espionage and conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Meanwhile, mainstream Americans continue to await Donald Trump’s arrest for his treasonous Trump-Russia plot.