Sulking Donald Trump sits around in his pajamas, refuses to come to Oval Office

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,193 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

The walls are caving in on Donald Trump in every sense of the phrase. He’s the most hated first-year U.S. President in the history of polling. Four of his advisers have been arrested, and two of them have cut plea deals against him. His Russia scandal is on the way to ending his presidency, his family, and his freedom. Not surprisingly, he’s beyond miserable. In fact he’s sitting around in his pajamas and refusing to come to the Oval Office.

Trump wakes up in the White House each day and begins tweeting stupid things, then wanders off to another upstairs room to begin making phone calls while still in his pajamas, according to a New York Times report (link). His handlers try to get him to come down to the Oval Office so they can start the day, but as long as four hours after he wakes up, he still hasn’t come downstairs.

It’s becoming clear that Trump is, essentially, non-functional. He wanted to win the election for competitive reasons, and in fact he committed treason in order to rig the election in his favor, but he never wanted the job. Now he’s stuck in the White House, only doing the bare minimum for the sake of appearances. His health is clearly failing, as his rapidly devolving physical appearance and his recent propensity to slur his words have revealed. He’s often overwhelmed, disoriented, and confused.

Donald Trump has previously told his allies that the only reason he hasn’t resigned is that he’ll go down in history as a quitter. He doesn’t appear to have figured out that he’s already locked into going down in history as a traitor, and the longer he insists on holding onto his stolen presidency, the harsher the legal punishment he’s going to face. Or perhaps he has figured it out, and that’s why he’s sitting around sulking in his pajamas.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,193 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer