Does this idiot have an off switch?

If Donald Trump were a fictional character, he’d make for a hilariously outlandish villain. His character would also get knocked for not being realistic enough. As his criminal scandals continue to close in on him in accelerating fashion, Trump has only become more cartoonish in response. I’m beginning to wonder if this idiot has an off switch.
Consider that, even as what’s left of Trump’s pathetic legal team is in court today making desperately inept arguments to try to prevent the Michael Cohen evidence from being admitted, Trump has spent the past few days raging about James Comey instead. Why? The guy wrote an unflattering book about him. That’s what tends to happen after you ask an employee to commit crimes on your behalf, and then fire him when he refuses. Each time Trump tweets negative things about Comey this week, he ensures that mainstream Americans go out and buy even more copies of it. But it’s not just that Trump can’t stop tweeting about Comey. It’s the manner in which he’s tweeting about Comey.
Trump has already set the bar so low with his tweets, one might have difficulty imagining how he could set it even lower. Yet here we are, with Trump yelling things like “slime ball” repeatedly at Comey, even as he keeps finding new and different ways to spell “slime ball.” Regardless of what you think of someone else’s intelligence, you’d have to be an idiot to think that you can change the public’s opinion about that person’s intelligence by tweeting something like “he is not smart.”
Then there are the shockingly self-incriminating tweets. Donald Trump yelled “I never asked Comey for Personal Loyalty. I hardly even knew this guy.” Now he’s resorting to flat out lying in an obstruction of justice case. James Comey has his own contemporaneous notes, as well as those of his colleagues, to bolster his argument. Trump has a series of hyperbolically drooling tweets which make objectively clear he’s lying. And when Trump keeps tweeting that Comey belongs in jail, he’s committing felony witness intimidation in plain sight. It’s one more crime he’ll be charged with. Comey isn’t going to prison, but Trump is.