Michael Flynn Jr is at it again

Two weeks ago, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn cut a plea deal to provide evidence against Donald Trump and other big fish in the Trump-Russia conspiracy. By all accounts, Flynn made the deal in order to prevent his son, who also participated in the conspiracy, from going to prison. The day the deal was sealed, Michael Flynn Jr instantly went quiet on Twitter. Now, rather bizarrely, he’s at it again.
Michael Flynn Jr has spent the past several days attacking CNN, attacking online liberal political pundits, attacking the FBI, retweeting far-right conspiracies, and praising Donald Trump’s most deranged moves. To be clear, this is who Flynn Jr is: he’s a conspiracy lunatic whose Twitter account makes him sound like he’s in a rubber room. But it was widely expected that he would go quiet with this garbage after his father’s plea deal, considering that the deal is all about saving him from the treasonous plot he participated in.
To be clear, the text of Michael Flynn’s plea deal – at least as it’s understood by the public and the media – places no specific restrictions on Michael Flynn Jr. For that matter it doesn’t mention him at all. Instead, it appears Michael Flynn Sr and Special Counsel Robert Mueller simply have a gentleman’s agreement about Flynn Jr not being prosecuted.
Michael Flynn Jr’s Twitter rampage doesn’t mean that the deal has somehow been called off; there is no possible way for Michael Flynn Sr to get himself out of the plea deal that he’s signed, and in fact he’s already pleaded guilty to a felony. However, it’s worth asking the question of whether Flynn Jr may be setting himself up for criminal prosecution after all, as he continues to attack the FBI and dishonestly play partisan politics online. It’s worth watching going forward.