I’m not that worried about this Fani Willis “scandal”

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One of Donald Trump’s Fulton County co-defendants is now accusing District Attorney Fani Willis of having had an affair with one of the people she hired to prosecute the case, and asking the courts to throw out the charges. This has naturally set off yet another round of doomsday hysteria on TV and Twitter about how Trump is going to “get away with it all.” But back in the real world, things look a bit different.

First, no one involved even claims to have proof that such an affair took place; it’s all just hearsay. But if it does turn out to be true, so what? The notion that the courts would dismiss the charges, or force Willis off the case, is sort of laughable. Beyond that, there really isn’t anything of substance that could happen.

Georgia Republican legislators will make a lot of noise about this. But remember, in spite of so much misleading doomsday hype from the media, they never actually gave themselves the power to remove District Attorneys. They still don’t have that power.

Jim Jordan will make a lot of noise over this. But Congress has no oversight over local prosecutors. There’s really nothing Jordan can do but “request” information and then stomp his feet when he doesn’t get it.

It’s tough to say for sure, but it feels like this Fani Willis “scandal” – whether it turns out to be true or false – is just going to be a lot of bombastic headlines with no real impact on the Trump case. Donald Trump and his co-defendants will be tried, convicted, and sentenced to prison. Nothing on that front has changed.

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