Howard Dean says follow the money on Jill Stein, Donald Trump and Russia

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Howard Dean, the former Governor of Vermont and former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, tends to call it like he sees it. And when he calls attention to something, it’s generally for a good reason. So we should all be paying attention now that he’s issued a ‘follow the money’ edict when it comes to former Green Party candidate Jill Stein and Russia and Donald Trump.

Governor Dean posted a photograph of Jill Stein having dinner in Moscow in December of 2015 with President Vladimir Putin and and Donald Trump adviser Michael Flynn. The photo has been making the rounds for some time; Palmer Report first reported on it back in February. But it’s become far more relevant in light of the investigation into Russia’s attempt at rigging the election in Trump’s favor – particularly considering Flynn’s own connections to the Russian government. Here’s what Dean says needs to come next.

This is what Dean tweeted: “Stein was likely part of the Russian effort to elect Trump. Had Stein not been on the ballot we might not have Trump. Hopefully Mueller is investigating Stein too. Where did the money come from to get her on the ballot. We know RT supported her.” (link). “RT” is in reference to Russia Today, the English language propaganda television network that’s funded and controlled by the Kremlin.

Russia Today sponsored the dinner where Jill Stein, Michael Flynn, and Vladimir Putin all shared a table. It’s since been revealed that RT paid Flynn to attend the dinner. In addition, Congress recently sent letters to Donald Trump Jr. and the Trump Organization demanding that they turn over any communications they had with Stein during the election. This prompted Stein to angrily accuse the entire Russia investigation of being a witch hunt, thus unwittingly making herself look guilty. And now Howard Dean says to follow the money.

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