Donald Trump goes off the rails again, invents imaginary word “Hereos” in the middle of the night

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

What in the name of hell are Hereos? That’s a question night owls are asking in the wake of a bizarrely incoherent Twitter post from Donald Trump that’s led to an endless series of punchlines and just plain stupefied reactions. Oreos? Cheerios? Did he miss his midnight snack? We’re pretty sure he meant “Heroes” but it’s well past the point where we’re willing to give him a participation trophy simply for trying. And it gets even worse.

Trump tweeted a brief video that was essentially a highlight reel of his least embarrassing moments during his second attempt at visiting those who had been flooded by Hurricane Harvey. It mostly consisted of his own supporters cheering for him when he got to Louisiana, serving as an unwitting reminder that in his mind, even the deadly disaster is all about him. But then it came time for him to caption his own video. Here’s a screen capture of Trump’s tweet in question:

By now we know that Donald Trump is semi-literate at best. In the past two weeks alone he’s twice tweeted “to bad” when he meant “too bad” and there have been five instances in which he tweeted “heel” when he meant “heal.” The problem isn’t that Trump struggles with the basics of the English language. The problem is that he’s surrounded by limitless resources in the White House, including hundreds of people in the building would be willing to clean up his failed attempt at writing tweets, yet he’s either too proud or too lazy to take advantage of it.

So now we have a “President of the United States” who is paying tribute to “Hereos” and vowing that “we will heel” and we’re all supposed to pretend there’s something normal about any of this. Nor does there appear to be anyone on his staff minding the store these days, as the errant tweet still hasn’t been deleted and replaced as of the time of publication of this article.

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.