“You’re as good as dead”: cracking under pressure, Donald Trump’s pal Roger Stone goes further off the deep end

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Donald Trump reached a shockingly demented new low last night when he gave a speech which included a story about young girls getting hacked to pieces with knives (link). But his longtime pal Roger Stone seems to be taking it as a challenge, as he attempts to race him further off the deep end. This morning Stone posted a tweet that some are interpreting as a death threat.

Roger Stone took aim at liberal political pundit Tea Pain on Twitter by tweeting the following message at him: “Let’s make a deal – if I don’t go to jail will u agree to kill yourself . If so, you’re as good as dead” (link). Did Stone just threaten to kill Tea Pain? Some are interpreting it that way, and they’re reporting him to Twitter for violation of terms service. This is far from the first time in which Stone has used Twitter to harass people. But even as he faces the possibility of yet another suspension, his tweet may have given away something notable about his own fate.

One key trait which Roger Stone shares with his pal Trump is that they’re both routinely guilty of protesting too much against what they specifically fear is going to happen to them. So it’s notable that Stone is now making a point of forcefully fending off any notion that he might end up in jail for his role in the Trump-Russia scandal. This suggests that Stone may now be legitimately worried about going to prison.

Stone has admitted that he had repeated contact during the election with Guccifer 2.0, the Russian government hacker who stole DNC emails and leaked them through WikiLeaks to try to influence the outcome of the election in Trump’s favor. If it ends up being proven that Stone was colluding with Guccifer 2.0 on that hacking, he could face criminal charges ranging from collusion to espionage to arguably treason. No wonder he’s acting so worried.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer