Donald Trump’s White House Communications Director secretly resigned the day after Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed

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Donald Trump’s White House announced today that Communications Director Mike Dubke had resigned. No reason was given, and the timing – the first weekday after a holiday weekend and the first weekday after the end of Trump’s overseas trip – stood out as odd. But it’s since been revealed that Dubke actually resigned twelve days ago, and agreed to keep it quiet until now. And that difference in dates means everything.

Dubke, who served as Sean Spicer’s boss for a few months, resigned on May 18th, according to today’s reporting (source: link). Why is that date important? The afternoon before, on May 17th, Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to take over the Trump-Russia investigation. That means Dubke, who was a late arrival to the White House to begin with, heard the news about Mueller and promptly resigned the next day.

There is nothing to suggest that Dubke, who was not a part of the Trump campaign, was involved in the Russia scandal in any way. But what is clear is that the minute a Special Counsel was appointed, he decided the ship was sinking and he immediately wanted off. The White House Communications Director handles communications strategy behind closed doors, as portrayed by the fictional Toby Ziegler from the West Wing. Dubke would have been in charge of crafting the White House message about Donald Trump’s Russia scandal, and in light of the Special Counsel, simply didn’t want to deal with how much more ridiculous that failed attempt at messaging was going to get.

Either that, or Dubke decided that the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller meant that Donald Trump and his administration are doomed for sure, and it’s just a matter of time. Either way, he won’t be the last rat off the sinking ship. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report