Donald Trump Jr’s hilariously failed staged photo at his desk

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Based on how Donald Trump Jr approached his election collusion meeting with the Russian government, it appears he’s too inept to actually be doing anything at the Trump Organization. Based on Donald Trump’s insistence on dictating every word of his son’s public response to the meeting, it’s unlikely that Junior is even allowed to do anything at the Organization. So how does he spend his time? This hilariously failed staged photo of him sitting at his desk might offer some clues.

This week, when the New York Times published an article about Donald Trump Jr’s testimony before Congress, it included this photo of Junior supposedly hard at work at his desk at the Trump Organization. See if you can spot what’s wrong here:

For starters, all the picture frames are facing the camera. No one has their desk set up this way, if they actually use it. The picture frames would be facing him, not the camera. Okay, so maybe he simply got the dumb idea to turn them around to face the camera for the photo shoot. But even that seems unlikely, considering that one of the picture frames is just a giant photo of himself. Not even a narcissist like him sits at his desk, staring at a giant framed photo of himself all day.

Instead, this suggests that these picture frames are like this all the time, because Donald Trump Jr doesn’t actually sit at his desk and do any work. Instead, his desk and office seem to have merely been set up for the benefit of people who peek in and take a look at it. So where does he spend this time instead? Is there a giant ping pong table in the Trump Tower basement? This staged photo may be arbitrary, but it only helps to further suggest that Junior is a doofus who doesn’t actually do anything at his father’s company. Yes, we’re being mean. And yes, he deserves it.

Dear Palmer Report readers: We need $2095 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can