Donald Trump reportedly interviews Sean Spicer’s replacement; Spicer lashes out online

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What began as a bad week for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer appears to be ending on a much, much worse note. After Spicer was portrayed last weekend on Saturday Night Live by Melissa McCarthy, Donald Trump reportedly concluded that being played by a woman made Spicer look “weak.” Trump then took away Spicer’s Communications Director title. And now it appears Spicer may be out as Press Secretary as well, as Trump reportedly just interviewed his potential replacement.

Real News. Fake President.

The Washingtonian is reporting that Donald Trump has interviewed Carl Higbie to replace Sean Spicer as White House Press Secretary. Higbie is a conservative Fox News commentator who also played a role in Trump’s transition team, and appears to be an ally of Steve Bannon. If this report is accurate, then it would mean that Spicer will have lost both his titles, Communications Director and Press Secretary, in one week – and presumably would be out of the White House entirely.

That would represent a land speed record for the departure of such a high profile White House position, just three weeks after the administration began. But then again, Spicer has done consistently poorly in the role. And tonight he’s made another PR mess by publicly bringing further attention to the possibility of his own firing.

The aforementioned Washingtonian article reporting Sean Spicer’s imminent demise was not immediately getting a huge amount of play. But then Spicer himself angrily tweeted a link to it in order to deny the validity of the story by issuing the rather strange takedown of “Getting government updates from @Washingtonian is like getting stock tips from @usweekly.” In so doing, he the article in front of a much larger audience in the process.

Carl Higbie has since tweeted the claim that he has not had a formal interview, but that he has in fact recently spoken to the White House about the Communications Director and/or Press Secretary jobs.

Not My PresidentImpeach Trump Now

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