Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about dexamethasone

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Donald Trump appeared on camera tonight on the Tucker Carlson show, presumably to try to prove that he’s capable of staying upright long enough to do an interview. Trump wasn’t coughing like he had been when he called in to the Sean Hannity show the night before. But Trump’s answers weren’t exactly sharp tonight.

For instance, Fox News had its resident quack doctor ask Donald Trump about taking dexamethasone, a powerful steroid that can have strong and dangerous side effects. Trump’s response: “I didn’t even know what it was … I didn’t even know I had it.”

That’s right, Trump is so desperate to distance himself from dexamethasone, he’s now claiming that he didn’t even know doctors had given it to him. We knew it was just a matter of time before he started throwing his doctors under the bus. Trump also insisted that he was only taking dexamethasone because “it keeps the swelling down,” which is a lie, as he was clearly taking it to try to treat the coronavirus in his lungs.

When Trump was asked what coronavirus drugs he’s still taking, his response was cagey: “I think really nothing.” That’s not how you phrase things if the answer is indeed nothing. He thinks he’s no longer taking drugs? Come on. The guy is almost certainly still high as a kite on dexamethasone.

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