Russian Ambassador makes surreal confession in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

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Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, who was consistently at the center of the Donald Trump campaign’s coordination with the Russian government, and who recently retired from the job, is back – and he’s running his mouth in a fashion that could prove severely damaging to Trump. Kislyak went on Russian television and made a startling confession about the full extent of his role in the Trump-Russia scandal.

Kislyak is already known to have secretly met with Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, and several other Trump campaign advisers during the course of the campaign and the transition period. So just how many Trump campaign advisers did Kislyak meet with? He was asked that question while being interviewed on Russian state-owned television. His answer, according to CNBC (link), is that it would take him “twenty minutes” to name them all. This is a surreal confession, not only because it points to even more Trump-Russia meetings that we don’t know about, but also because of the mere fact that he’s choosing now to admit it.

There are really only two plausible explanations for why Kislyak would appear on state-owned Russian television and admit this kind of thing. The first is that, for reasons known only to him, Kislyak is doing this against Vladimir Putin’s will – in which case he’ll probably turn up dead soon. The second and seemingly more likely explanation is that Putin instructed Kislyak to go on television and say this. That would mean that Putin truly has decided to put the screws to Trump, as punishment for Trump’s failure to get the U.S. government to ease sanctions on Russia. If it is the latter, it may not even be the first time this week in which Putin has done so.

Days ago it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr was consistently communicating and coordinating with Russian puppet site WikiLeaks during the general election. It’s difficult to imagine this story having leaked unless WikiLeaks was the one to leak it, and that wouldn’t have happened unless Vladimir Putin wanted it to be leaked. Putin seemed to be harming Trump Jr to try to motivate Trump Sr. Now we have to ask if Putin is also trying to harm Trump by having Sergey Kislyak confess.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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