Donald Trump has become so senile, he just got his own birthday wrong

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In addition to whatever psychological problems Donald Trump has long been suffering from, it’s also become clear over the past few months that he’s in the process of going senile. Maybe he’s suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, or perhaps he’s simply losing his faculties as a result of his existing mental problems and increasing stress levels. In any case, Trump is now so far gone that he just got his own birthday wrong. No really.

Trump filled out an absentee ballot so he could vote for the New York City Mayor race last month. It turns out his entire family had problems with the paperwork, as Melania, Ivanka, and Jared Kushner all botched their ballots in ways that caused them to be invalidated. But Donald took the cake, according to the New York Daily News (link), by getting his own birthday wrong on the form. No really, he doesn’t even know his own birthday anymore.

Trump listed his birthday as July 14, 1946 when his birthday is actually June 14, 1946. Some have suggested that Trump may have had someone else fill out the form for him, as it’s been typed. But even if that is the case, Trump had to sign the document before it was submitted. There is no information on this document beyond a birthdate and a home address. Even Trump would have looked it over first to make sure it was correct. This suggests he no longer knows when his birthday is, or he’s no longer capable of recalling that “7” designates July, not June.

We know all too well that some naysayers on the left and right are lining up to call this a “stretch” on our part. Bullshit. Donald Trump has spent the past few months wandering out of joint press conferences while they were still going on, wandering out of signing ceremonies without signing anything, wandering away from his own motorcade, slurring his words in public, and struggling to complete a sentence. The guy has gone senile – and now he doesn’t even know his own birthday anymore.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1861 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50