Donald Trump and Russia: yet another Russian diplomat dropped dead in New York today

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It’s happened again today. Just three days after we brought you the unnerving story of a Russian diplomat who had dropped dead in New York City under suspicious circumstances and had his skull bashed in despite the Russian consulate claiming he’d died of a heart attack, it turns out yet another Russian diplomat has also mysteriously dropped dead today in New York City.

This time it’s the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, who died today in New York. The claim is once again that he died of what Reuters says that an unnamed New York Post source has claimed was a “cardiac condition.” That sounds like a game of telephone, so we’ll have to wait for actual confirmation of the cause of death. But while this man may have indeed simply died of a heart attack, that’s the same cause of death that was given for the last Russian diplomat’s death in New York, and that one was almost certainly not a heart attack.

Three days ago it came to light that a Russian diplomat who had died on election day, just up the street from where Donald Trump had been watching himself being named the winner in what we now know was a Russian-rigged results, had died of severe head wounds and not a heart attack, as had originally been claimed. The diplomat in question also had a fake name and fake home address, suggesting he may have been a spy instead of a diplomat. Contribute to Palmer Report

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