
Personal note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.

People are seeing the light

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/18/2024

The truth about the latest apparent Trump assassination attempt

By Robert Harrington | 09/18/2024

Trump is past his prime

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

“It wasn’t me!”

By Bocha Blue | 09/18/2024

Donald Trump’s disqualification

By Robert Harrington | 09/18/2024

These bastards…

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

Tick tock…

By Bill Palmer | 09/18/2024

Down down down…

By Bocha Blue | 09/18/2024

This might be the most surreal Kamala Harris endorsement yet

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

Just this once…

By Bill Palmer | 09/18/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

We call on Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner to hold an immediate 2016 recount

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2016

Wisconsin says it’s preparing for a recount; narrow margin for Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2016

Jill Stein’s swing state recount effort reaches 50% of its fundraising goal in first day

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2016

Common good: Hillary Clinton’s supporters are helping fund Jill Stein’s recount effort

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2016

Hillary Clinton’s supporters should hold their noses and get behind Jill Stein’s recount effort

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2016

Oh the irony: Hillary Clinton is the beneficiary as Jill Stein files for recount in swing states

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2016

Top computer scientist publishes the “rigged election” evidence he gave to Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | 11/23/2016

Michigan voting totals revised again, Hillary Clinton climbs to within 10,000 votes

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Hillary Clinton campaign meets with computer scientists who have evidence of rigged election

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Donald Trump tries to distract from deepening financial scandals by bringing back Ben Carson

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Donald Trump finally leaves Trump Tower, and New Yorkers shower him with booing

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Newly revised Wisconsin vote totals call into question whether Donald Trump won the state

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Trump Foundation formally admits to fraud, Donald Trump now faces wrath of IRS

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016