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Donald Trump’s phony credit-grabbing just gave something away

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2025

Jack Smith’s final round

By Shirley Kennedy | 01/15/2025

Tulsi Gabbard just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2025

Donald Trump just gave something away

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2025

The enemy of the American people

By Robert Harrington | 01/15/2025

Marco Rubio may not make it

By Bocha Blue | 01/15/2025

Score another one for President Joe Biden

By Bocha Blue | 01/15/2025

These hearings are a disaster for Pam Bondi

By Bocha Blue | 01/15/2025

This is just embarrassing for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2025

“Speaker” Mike Johnson steps in it

By James Sullivan | 01/15/2025


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Dana Boente is the key to Trump-Russia, and Barack Obama and Donald Trump both know it

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Preet Bharara was investigating Fox News when Sean Hannity urged Donald Trump to fire him

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Turkey arrested Donald Trump’s business partner just days after it stopped paying Michael Flynn

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Donald Trump appears to be lining up a replacement White House senior staff already

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Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions fire U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who busted Russian spy ring

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Michael Flynn was paying FBI official who tried to sabotage Hillary Clinton during campaign

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Donald Trump hired massage therapist for key Department of Energy job; fired after racist remarks

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Turkey has asked for its money back from former Donald Trump adviser Michael Flynn

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Sean Spicer wore an upside down U.S. flag pin and then threatened to pull Melissa McCarthy move

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Ukraine probes Trump manager Paul Manafort after his daughter accuses him of killing people

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Russia pinged Trump Tower’s Russian email server about once per hour throughout campaign

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After watchdog asks U.S. attorney to launch Donald Trump probe, Jeff Sessions fires him

By Bill Palmer | 03/10/2017

Roger Stone now admits he communicated directly with Russian hacker who stole DNC emails

By Bill Palmer | 03/10/2017