
Fooled by the okie doke

By Shirley Kennedy | 07/01/2024

No, Donald Trump can’t get his New York criminal conviction overturned because of SCOTUS

By Bill Palmer | 07/01/2024

The unmasking of Clarence Thomas

By Bocha Blue | 07/01/2024

Why we will win

By Robert Harrington | 07/01/2024

“Raw sewage”

By Bocha Blue | 07/01/2024

Say hello to Kristen McDonald Rivet @McdonaldRivet the Democratic House candidate in the highly competitive MI-08 race

By Bill Palmer | 07/01/2024

Steve Bannon’s master plan has backfired on him spectacularly

By Bill Palmer | 07/01/2024

This Supreme Court Trump immunity ruling is being massively misinterpreted already

By Bill Palmer | 07/01/2024

The backlash is fully underway

By Bocha Blue | 07/01/2024

Supreme Court delivers mixed Trump immunity ruling, Trump criminal trial still possible before election

By Bill Palmer | 07/01/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Mike Pence email scandal leaves trail of corruption and secrets from Indiana to Washington DC

By Bill Palmer | 11/17/2016

Donald Trump, who has six corporate bankruptcies, says he’d have “loved” to file personal bankruptcy

By Bill Palmer | 10/03/2016

Stop worrying about the Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump polls: they’re misreported gibberish for now

By Bill Palmer | 09/26/2016

Will the last one out the door at Fox News please turn off the lights?

By Bill Palmer | 09/09/2016

NBC News mathematically proves that CNN rigged new poll claiming Trump is ahead of Hillary

By Bill Palmer | 09/07/2016

Yes, the African-American church that Donald Trump spoke to really was empty (photo evidence)

By Bill Palmer | 09/04/2016

The real reason Hillary Clinton’s favorability rating isn’t nearly as strong as her great poll numbers

By Bill Palmer | 08/29/2016

Leave Huma Abedin alone

By Bill Palmer | 08/29/2016

Even the guy who went to prison for Watergate thinks Donald Trump is too corrupt

By Bill Palmer | 08/28/2016

By declining to stand for the National Anthem, at least Colin Kaepernick is standing for something

By Bill Palmer | 08/27/2016

CNN cancels Dr. Drew’s show after his ignorant remarks about Hillary Clinton’s health

By Bill Palmer | 08/27/2016

Sick bastard Donald Trump brags he’ll get the black vote because NBA star’s cousin was murdered

By Bill Palmer | 08/27/2016

Ben Carson, Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin have all turned against unraveling Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 08/26/2016