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Donald Trump is spending his Friday night staring at Fox News and screaming about how even that’s going poorly for him

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

If it can happen in the Villages…

By Bocha Blue | 09/27/2024

Senile Donald Trump has no idea what he’s even trying to say during utterly incoherent swing state meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

Ugly new scandal for yet another House Republican

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

Editorial note

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

Good news for Kamala Harris

By Bocha Blue | 09/27/2024

The news is getting so bad for Donald Trump, he’s now threatening to put Google in prison

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

The devil we don’t know

By Robert Harrington | 09/27/2024

The growing media double standard in this election

By Bocha Blue | 09/27/2024

Why we’re going to win this election

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024


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White House staff hold secret midnight meeting to plot around Donald Trump

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Russia meltdown: Michael Flynn suggests he and Donald Trump may be gone within a year

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U.S. intel agencies are keeping top secrets from Donald Trump’s Russia-tainted White House

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Republican Party busted for tweeting fake quote from Abraham Lincoln

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‪If Michael Flynn isn’t fired over Russia on Monday, it means Donald Trump is going down with him‬

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Confirmed: the U.S. intel community is still working to take down Donald Trump over Russia

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Did Donald Trump secretly meet with a Russian oligarch today in Florida?

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The malicious cultural reason Donald Trump may be shaking Shinzo Abe’s hand so aggressively

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