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Now or never

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2024

Talk about an October surprise

By Bill Palmer | 09/28/2024

Donald Trump is spending his Friday night staring at Fox News and screaming about how even that’s going poorly for him

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

If it can happen in the Villages…

By Bocha Blue | 09/27/2024

Senile Donald Trump has no idea what he’s even trying to say during utterly incoherent swing state meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

Ugly new scandal for yet another House Republican

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

Editorial note

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

Good news for Kamala Harris

By Bocha Blue | 09/27/2024

The news is getting so bad for Donald Trump, he’s now threatening to put Google in prison

By Bill Palmer | 09/27/2024

The devil we don’t know

By Robert Harrington | 09/27/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Michael Flynn may have lied to FBI about Russia – a felony – which could make him flip on Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/14/2017

Donald Trump could now set the record for shortest presidency in U.S. history

By Bill Palmer | 02/14/2017

Lock Him Up! Michael Flynn, who chanted “Lock Her Up” at Hillary Clinton, is a Russian traitor

By Bill Palmer | 02/14/2017

Donald Trump bragged on Twitter about Michael Flynn’s conversation with Russian ambassador

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2017

Michael Flynn’s resignation letter implies Donald Trump knew about Russian collusion all along

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2017

Donald Trump’s Russian Watergate: Michael Flynn resigns, and Sally Yates took him down

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2017

Michael Flynn has resigned over Russia scandal, and Donald Trump is in a shitload of trouble

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Sally Yates tried to warn Donald Trump about Michael Flynn and Russia before he fired her

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White House insider: Justin Trudeau called Donald Trump an “idiot” and other insults

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Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer contradict each other on Donald Trump and Michael Flynn

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Donald Trump may have exposed classified intel to waiters and diners at Mar-a-Lago restaurant

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2017

Donald Trump publicly embraced Michael Flynn today, proving they’re both guilty on Russia

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2017

Why were Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, and a Russian oligarch all in Palm Beach on Saturday?

By Bill Palmer | 02/13/2017