
Personal note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.

People are seeing the light

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/18/2024

The truth about the latest apparent Trump assassination attempt

By Robert Harrington | 09/18/2024

Trump is past his prime

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

“It wasn’t me!”

By Bocha Blue | 09/18/2024

Donald Trump’s disqualification

By Robert Harrington | 09/18/2024

These bastards…

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

Tick tock…

By Bill Palmer | 09/18/2024

Down down down…

By Bocha Blue | 09/18/2024

This might be the most surreal Kamala Harris endorsement yet

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

Just this once…

By Bill Palmer | 09/18/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Facing treason charges, conspirator admits Russia blackmail plan sent to Trump’s White House

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George W. Bush joins the Resistance, wants answers on Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

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Meet the 32 people who have already controversially exited the Donald Trump administration

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Reince Priebus and the long list of political allies Donald Trump has left for dead

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Latest chapter in the Donald Trump Russia spy novel ends on shocking Darrell Issa cliffhanger

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The momentary calm before this week’s upcoming Donald Trump Russia scandal hurricane

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DNC Chair Tom Perez and Deputy Chair Keith Ellison to Donald Trump: we’re your “worst nightmare”

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Stephanie Hansen wins Delaware state senate race, as Democrats retain majority

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Panicking over Russia scandal, Donald Trump cancels on White House Correspondents’ Dinner

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Screw you Trump: the Democratic Party is now led by a Hispanic son of immigrants and a Muslim

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Tom Perez wins DNC Chair election, appoints his opponent Keith Ellison as Deputy Chair

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Fox News host Shep Smith defends CNN after Donald Trump bans it from White House briefing

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The Reince Priebus panic move suggests Trump-Russia scandal runs even deeper than imagined

By Bill Palmer | 02/24/2017