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Donald Trump should have stayed in bed today

By Bill Palmer | 09/07/2024

Putin’s poodle

By Bocha Blue | 09/07/2024

I am pissed off

By Robert Harrington | 09/07/2024

President Joe Biden comes out swinging

By Ron Leshnower | 09/07/2024

That sound you hear is hell freezing over

By Bill Palmer | 09/07/2024

Important note.

By Bill Palmer | 09/07/2024

Here are the Democratic House candidates in super-competitive “toss up” races that will decide the 2024 House majority

By Bill Palmer | 09/07/2024

Trump’s got nothing

By Bocha Blue | 09/06/2024

Trump craps the bed

By Bocha Blue | 09/06/2024

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown, begins making insane threats, after Dick Cheney endorses Kamala Harris

By Bill Palmer | 09/06/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

During Trump campaign, Michael Flynn met with Turkish minister who does oil business with ISIS

By Bill Palmer | 03/12/2017

Michael Flynn is absolutely screwing Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and he doesn’t care

By Bill Palmer | 03/12/2017

Steve Bannon, or the drug dealer who lived in his house, destroyed his bathtub with acid

By Bill Palmer | 03/12/2017

The Michael Flynn – Turkey connection to Donald Trump’s sudden firing of Preet Bharara

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Donald Trump’s top choice to replace Preet Bharara: Fox News attorney Marc Mukasey

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Dana Boente is the key to Trump-Russia, and Barack Obama and Donald Trump both know it

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Preet Bharara was investigating Fox News when Sean Hannity urged Donald Trump to fire him

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Turkey arrested Donald Trump’s business partner just days after it stopped paying Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Donald Trump appears to be lining up a replacement White House senior staff already

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions fire U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who busted Russian spy ring

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Michael Flynn was paying FBI official who tried to sabotage Hillary Clinton during campaign

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Donald Trump hired massage therapist for key Department of Energy job; fired after racist remarks

By Bill Palmer | 03/11/2017

Turkey has asked for its money back from former Donald Trump adviser Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | 03/10/2017