
Personal note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.

The truth about the latest apparent Trump assassination attempt

By Robert Harrington | 09/18/2024

Trump is past his prime

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

“It wasn’t me!”

By Bocha Blue | 09/18/2024

Donald Trump’s disqualification

By Robert Harrington | 09/18/2024

These bastards…

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

Tick tock…

By Bill Palmer | 09/18/2024

Down down down…

By Bocha Blue | 09/18/2024

This might be the most surreal Kamala Harris endorsement yet

By James Sullivan | 09/18/2024

Just this once…

By Bill Palmer | 09/18/2024

Who’s the underdog now?

By Bill Palmer | 09/18/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Chuck Schumer rips into Donald Trump over his “baffling” meeting with Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2017

Donald Trump gives away a lot by talking about Trump-Russia “collusion tapes”

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2017

Donald Trump got confused and wandered off again

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2017

The madness of King Donald

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2017

Laurence Tribe: there’s evidence coming of Trump Russia collusion and “you can take that to the bank”

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2017

Head of Donald Trump’s “voter fraud” investigation is now being investigated for election fraud

By Bill Palmer | 07/05/2017

Donald Trump ruins everyone’s Fourth of July with his “Make America Great Again” song

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2017

The Atlantic loses its mind, dishonestly attacks the entire Resistance to try to sabotage Palmer Report

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2017

Mentally vacant Donald Trump wanders away from his own motorcade, has to be directed back

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2017

Report: the press is sitting on Trump-Russia collusion bombshell in coordination with Robert Mueller’s probe

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2017

Narcissistic Donald Trump desecrates Fourth of July with campaign song in place of National Anthem

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2017

Congressman Ted Lieu rips into “dumb as a rock” Donald Trump adviser

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2017

Donald Trump resumes bragging about winning Wisconsin, but evidence says the state was rigged

By Bill Palmer | 07/04/2017