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Donald Trump has reached the hallucination stage of whatever is wrong with him

By Bocha Blue | 09/19/2024

Unhinged Donald Trump complains he hasn’t “been treated very well” by Jewish people

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

The Mark Robinson scandal just got even uglier tonight for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Senile Donald Trump now thinks Alaska is in Afghanistan

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

The stars are aligning

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/19/2024

Unhinged Donald Trump gives most insane reason yet why he lost the debate to Kamala Harris

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

“Harry, get your fat ass out of the couch” – Donald Trump has incoherent meltdown during rally speech, then cancels upcoming campaign appearance

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Republican Mark Robinson just imploded, and Donald Trump now has a serious North Carolina problem

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Donald Trump abruptly cancels campaign event

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Donald Trump has completely bonkers meltdown as it all falls apart for him

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Donald Trump was talking “adoption” with Putin while everyone else at G20 was talking about “John Podesta”

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Donald Trump’s kids just fed him to the wolves to get this over with

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Senate tips off it may already have exchanges between Trump Tower email server and Russian bank

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Paul Ryan just further outed himself as being a puppet of Russia and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Donald Trump brings up Adolf Hitler during interview for no reason, then declares “We’re having a good time!”

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

White House refuses to deny that Donald Trump gave classified info to Putin during secret G20 meeting

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Laurence Tribe: Donald Trump knows “the jig is up”

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Donald Trump Jr. is now trying to steer his father toward resigning

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2017

Video shows Donald Trump making secret hand signal to Vladimir Putin just before their dinner meeting

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2017

Investigators also target Eric Trump in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is on “resignation watch”

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2017

Donald Trump unwittingly tips off he’s scared to death of what Robert Mueller will find in his finances

By Bill Palmer | 07/19/2017