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Donald Trump has reached the hallucination stage of whatever is wrong with him

By Bocha Blue | 09/19/2024

Unhinged Donald Trump complains he hasn’t “been treated very well” by Jewish people

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

The Mark Robinson scandal just got even uglier tonight for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Senile Donald Trump now thinks Alaska is in Afghanistan

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

The stars are aligning

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/19/2024

Unhinged Donald Trump gives most insane reason yet why he lost the debate to Kamala Harris

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

“Harry, get your fat ass out of the couch” – Donald Trump has incoherent meltdown during rally speech, then cancels upcoming campaign appearance

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Republican Mark Robinson just imploded, and Donald Trump now has a serious North Carolina problem

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Donald Trump abruptly cancels campaign event

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Donald Trump has completely bonkers meltdown as it all falls apart for him

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Donald Trump doth protest too much about Jeff Sessions leak

By Bill Palmer | 07/22/2017

Donald Trump digs himself an even deeper hole with crazy new rant about pardons

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Donald Trump has found a way to exit office that’s even more humiliating than anyone thought possible

By Bill Palmer | 07/22/2017

Legal expert says that other than fleeing to Moscow, Donald Trump has no remaining way out of this

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Anthony Scaramucci is three weeks away from being Sean Spicer

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Donald Trump’s lawyers unwittingly admit to his financial crimes by talking about statute of limitations

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They’re not merely traitors: Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort just proved they’re sniveling cowards

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Donald Trump may have just leaked Russia dirt about Jeff Sessions to finish him off – but it’ll backfire on Trump

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Recordings confirm Jeff Sessions negotiated with Russia on behalf of Donald Trump campaign

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Michael Flynn seems to think he’s not going to prison: has he flipped on Donald Trump after all?

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Anthony Scaramucci deletes his tweets where he said negative things about Donald Trump and expressed liberal views

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Trump White House in chaos: after Sean Spicer quits, Republican source says more resignations coming

By Bill Palmer | 07/21/2017

In honor of Sean Spicer’s resignation, here are some of his biggest screw-ups

By Bill Palmer | 07/21/2017