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Crazy is as crazy does

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/20/2024

GOP completely botches response to Mark Robinson scandal

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Kamala Harris just hit it out of the park

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

ALERT: Florida may be in play after all

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

JD Vance just stepped in it

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

This is an unusual one

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

Donald Trump has reached the hallucination stage of whatever is wrong with him

By Bocha Blue | 09/19/2024

Unhinged Donald Trump complains he hasn’t “been treated very well” by Jewish people

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

The Mark Robinson scandal just got even uglier tonight for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024

Senile Donald Trump now thinks Alaska is in Afghanistan

By Bill Palmer | 09/19/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Anthony Scaramucci tries to make himself a thing again, but Monica Lewinsky shuts him down

By Bill Palmer | 08/11/2017

Paul Manafort didn’t fire his attorneys. They appear to have fired him – and that changes everything.

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Robert Mueller has used Paul Manafort to crack Donald Trump’s dam

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Paul Manafort hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | 08/10/2017

Donald Trump finally addresses Russia’s expulsion of U.S. diplomats, blows it spectacularly

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CNN’s firing of Jeffrey Lord is a bigger deal than you think

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Donald Trump’s “fire and fury” line about North Korea may have been cribbed from a video game

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Donald Trump’s White House staff “badly rattled” after Paul Manafort’s house raided, wondering if they’re next

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Unwell Donald Trump reduced to posting poll Twitter about whether he’s better than President Obama

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Anthony Scaramucci’s strange appearance on Stephen Colbert could be key in Trump-Russia investigation

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Criminal charges likely forthcoming for Paul Manafort, leaving him little choice but to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 08/10/2017

More Donald Trump administration freefall as Nikki Haley’s staffers begin resigning

By Bill Palmer | 08/09/2017

Roger Stone seems to admit he thinks Donald Trump is going down

By Bill Palmer | 08/09/2017