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Running out of time

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

Donald Trump has meltdown about McDonald’s and vaping as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

Ugly new revelations in Matt Gaetz scandal

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Could we be heading for the first landslide win in the 21st century?

By Robert Harrington | 09/20/2024

Real life handmaid’s tale

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Whisper to a scream

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Crazy is as crazy does

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/20/2024

GOP completely botches response to Mark Robinson scandal

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Kamala Harris just hit it out of the park

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

ALERT: Florida may be in play after all

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024


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Here comes Donald Trump’s vicious attack on Chuck Grassley

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Hundreds of pages of new details on Trump-Russia dossier and Pee Pee Tape are on verge of being released

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Now we know why Republican Senator Bob Corker came out swinging at Donald Trump

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Donald Trump campaign’s attempt to meet with Putin is traced back to Jeff Sessions

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Keith Olbermann: Donald Trump is going to resign

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Pardoning racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Donald Trump’s dumbest move yet

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Donald Trump’s science envoy resigns, calls for his impeachment

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Even Donald Trump’s base got tired of his rambling and left Phoenix rally while he was still speaking

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Here’s just how embarrassed General John Kelly was by Donald Trump’s Phoenix speech

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Former DNI James Clapper says Donald Trump is looking for a way out of office

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After Trump’s meltdown in Phoenix, two Republican CNN commentators say he’s mentally incompetent

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Lawrence O’Donnell destroys Donald Trump’s demented Phoenix rally speech in real time

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At demented Phoenix rally, Donald Trump misquotes himself, whines about Charlottesville, rambles about Kenya

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