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JD Vance needs to be expelled from the Senate

By Robert Harrington | 09/21/2024

They never learn

By Bocha Blue | 09/21/2024

Here’s what going all-in on the wrong horse gets you

By Bill Palmer | 09/21/2024

Running out of time

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

Donald Trump has meltdown about McDonald’s and vaping as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

Ugly new revelations in Matt Gaetz scandal

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Could we be heading for the first landslide win in the 21st century?

By Robert Harrington | 09/20/2024

Real life handmaid’s tale

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Whisper to a scream

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Crazy is as crazy does

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/20/2024


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Here’s a list of Republicans in office who are confirmed to have taken Russian money in 2016

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Donald Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller abruptly resigns; major Trump-Russia bombshell forthcoming

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Smoke billows from roof of Russian consulate building that Donald Trump just ordered closed

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Donald Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller, who was sent to fire James Comey, abruptly resigns amid scandal

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New James Comey revelation merely proves there was never any evidence against Hillary Clinton

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Republican Party hits panic button, unwittingly admits its own guilt in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

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Donald Trump’s attorney: I would like to be excluded from this narrative

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Hey Donald Trump: don’t look now, but Mike Pence is trying to do away with you

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Preet Bharara says latest move by Donald Trump’s attorneys is a sign they know he’s in trouble

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Donald Trump has had it with “church lady” John Kelly

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Donald Trump’s frustrated Secretary of State Rex Tillerson considering “imminent” resignation

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Democratic Senator Ron Wyden gets Donald Trump official to resign by calling his bluff

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Donald Trump’s attorneys make desperate moves as Special Counsel Robert Mueller closes in

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