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JD Vance needs to be expelled from the Senate

By Robert Harrington | 09/21/2024

They never learn

By Bocha Blue | 09/21/2024

Here’s what going all-in on the wrong horse gets you

By Bill Palmer | 09/21/2024

Running out of time

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

Donald Trump has meltdown about McDonald’s and vaping as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | 09/20/2024

Ugly new revelations in Matt Gaetz scandal

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Could we be heading for the first landslide win in the 21st century?

By Robert Harrington | 09/20/2024

Real life handmaid’s tale

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Whisper to a scream

By Bocha Blue | 09/20/2024

Crazy is as crazy does

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/20/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Donald Trump blows his second Texas flood visit by congratulating people and bragging about his hand size

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GOP has a new strategic reason to impeach Donald Trump and Mike Pence both

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Robert Mueller now has numerous members of Donald Trump’s senior staff nailed on felonies

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Donald Trump goes into a tailspin after misspelling the same word for fifth time in two weeks

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Robert Mueller isn’t just going to destroy Donald Trump. He’s going to expose Trump’s most humiliating secret.

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Donald Trump and John Kelly are already at each other’s throats behind the scenes

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Donald Trump has accused the New York AG of being a “cokehead.” Now he’s about to help take Trump down.

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Robert Mueller may have just nailed racist Trump adviser Stephen Miller for criminal activity

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White House slips up and admits Donald Trump’s ‘personal donation’ to Hurricane Harvey may involve a phony charity

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Laurence Tribe says Donald Trump and Mike Pence may both be impeached, and Nancy Pelosi could become President

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Legal experts say Robert Mueller has nailed Mike Pence on impeachable crimes

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Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker took $1 million from Russia. Then Donald Trump shockingly won the state.

By Bill Palmer | 09/01/2017

Confirmed: the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails was a partisan farce, and the media lied about it

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