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Keep talking Donald

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2024

The real reason Donald Trump is mailing it in

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2024

The truth behind the Republican attempt to steal the election

By Robert Harrington | 09/22/2024

Trump just gave something away

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2024

If this is how they want to play it…

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2024

Trump’s antecedents

By Robert Harrington | 09/22/2024


By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2024

Donald Trump’s no-win scenario just came home to roost

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2024

Senile Donald Trump can’t even speak during failed attempt at a rally speech

By Bill Palmer | 09/21/2024

Another ugly day for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 09/21/2024


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Unpatriotic racist Mike Pence wastes taxpayer money just to stage stupid protest at NFL football game

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GOP Senator Bob Corker slams “adult day care” Donald Trump

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Even Mike Pence has no idea what Donald Trump is babbling about

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Donald Trump is personally profiting financially from Las Vegas shooting

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Independent counsel: “There will in fact be indictments” in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

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Donald Trump desperately tries to spin distractions as Paul Manafort resurfaces in Washington DC

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Did Facebook partner with Kaspersky Lab to push hacked Russian malware software on its users during the election?

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Donald Trump silent as Nazis and white supremacists march with torches AGAIN in Charlottesville

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Robert Mueller zeroes in on Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr

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The real reason the mainstream media is so afraid of the Trump-Russia dossier and the Pee Pee Tape

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Donald Trump retweets supporter who posted imagery of dead American reporters

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Donald Trump just unwittingly made it a whole lot easier for Robert Mueller to take him down

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Controversial Russian, a tenant in Donald Trump’s home of Trump Tower, mysteriously drops dead

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