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Leaving in droves

By Bocha Blue | 09/23/2024

“This isn’t the real Oprah” – Donald Trump goes all the way off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

Minutes to midnight

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

This is a freight train now

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

Keep talking Donald

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2024

The real reason Donald Trump is mailing it in

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2024

The truth behind the Republican attempt to steal the election

By Robert Harrington | 09/22/2024

Trump just gave something away

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2024

If this is how they want to play it…

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2024

Trump’s antecedents

By Robert Harrington | 09/22/2024


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‪Donald Trump revokes visa of key witness who testified against him in Trump-Russia scandal‬

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Donald Trump just spitefully handed Michael Flynn every reason to flip on him

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Legal expert: Donald Trump is tweeting himself closer to criminal charges by the hour

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House Republican: Donald Trump is “messing with the wrong woman”

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Donald Trump Jr continues his pattern of saying racist and sexist things about black Congresswomen

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Donald Trump makes offensive remark during funeral of Sgt. La David Johnson

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Donald Trump tweets bizarre garbage as five former U.S. Presidents make joint public appearance

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Donald Trump launches desperate last ditch bid to prevent his advisers from flipping on him

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Donald Trump unwittingly tips off that the mother of all bombshell scandals is about to land

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Trump family meltdown: Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr, and Eric’s wife Lara all go off the stupidity deep end

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The Russians have sold out Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr to Robert Mueller

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All five living former U.S. Presidents to make joint public appearance tonight

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Donald Trump goes off conspiracy deep end as Robert Mueller breathes down his neck

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