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Leaving in droves

By Bocha Blue | 09/23/2024

“This isn’t the real Oprah” – Donald Trump goes all the way off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

Minutes to midnight

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

This is a freight train now

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

Keep talking Donald

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2024

The real reason Donald Trump is mailing it in

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2024

The truth behind the Republican attempt to steal the election

By Robert Harrington | 09/22/2024

Trump just gave something away

By Bocha Blue | 09/22/2024

If this is how they want to play it…

By Bill Palmer | 09/22/2024

Trump’s antecedents

By Robert Harrington | 09/22/2024


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White House staffers panicking about “cranky” Donald Trump’s deteriorating mental state

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Republicans move to take down GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher as Trump-Russia scandal closes in on him

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Donald Trump’s own staff panicked over his deteriorating behavior and asked Bob Corker to intervene

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Vladimir Putin seems dazed and confused as Trump-Russia scandal backfires on him

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Survivor confirms Donald Trump is lying about deadly Niger mission

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Republican Senator Jeff Flake slams Donald Trump, compares him to maniacal Joseph McCarthy

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Republican Senator Jeff Flake announces he won’t seek reelection, openly declares war on Donald Trump

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After another Bob Corker attack, Donald Trump goes berserk and starts tweeting about catching dogs

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Political insider: Donald Trump and several others to be indicted in Trump-Russia probe

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Guess who just decided not to plead the Fifth in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

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James Comey is now taunting Donald Trump while standing in an Iowa cornfield (no, really)

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Donald Trump’s week is off to a crappy start for him already

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017

John McCain protects key Trump-Russia witness, after Donald Trump tried to put him in danger

By Bill Palmer | 10/23/2017