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Unfit and dusty

By Bocha Blue | 09/23/2024

Is he just stupid?

By Shirley Kennedy | 09/23/2024

They’re at it again

By Bocha Blue | 09/23/2024

I need you to read this right now:

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

So much for Donald Trump stealing an electoral vote in Nebraska

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

Reaction formation in MAGAland

By Robert Harrington | 09/23/2024

Donald Trump campaign just found a whole new way to screw up

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024

Vengeful impulsiveness

By Ron Leshnower | 09/23/2024

Leaving in droves

By Bocha Blue | 09/23/2024

“This isn’t the real Oprah” – Donald Trump goes all the way off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | 09/23/2024


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After campaign adviser JD Gordon is cornered in Trump-Russia scandal, he sells out Donald Trump

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Departing employee deletes Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account on way out the door

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Donald Trump’s unhinged late night Twitter meltdown reveals he knows he’s a goner

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Donald Trump unwittingly tips off that he thinks his criminal financial ties to Russia are about to surface

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Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia arrests have worked: everyone is suddenly flipping on everyone

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Jeff Sessions admits he lied about Russia – and it may have just gotten another Trump adviser arrested

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