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Criminal charges filed against Donald Trump and JD Vance

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

Donald Trump’s world of darkness

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

Talk about a no-show

By Ron Leshnower | 09/24/2024

Door number one

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

This is turning into a real page turner

By Lorraine Evanoff | 09/24/2024

Too late now

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

Turns out Trump and the GOP really do have no ground game

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2024

Another blow for Donald Trump in North Carolina

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2024

Even for Donald Trump this is just plain embarrassing

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2024

Unfit and dusty

By Bocha Blue | 09/23/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Michael Flynn says Donald Trump ordered him to conspire with Russia; also testifying against Trump family

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

Donald Trump begins shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

Michael Flynn just ensured that Mike Pence is completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

Michael Flynn plea deal court filings reveal Donald Trump is guilty of conspiring with Russia

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

Michael Flynn plea deal is official: experts say it’s the “beginning of the end” for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

MSNBC host: Donald Trump’s handlers admit he’s suffering from dementia

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

Michael Flynn deal with Robert Mueller is official: Flynn pleading guilty today, and Donald Trump is screwed

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

“Are you insane?” Donald Trump Jr slammed for deranged sexual harassment tweet about two year old

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

Roy Moore started a Twitter feud with Jimmy Kimmel. Guess who won.

By Bill Palmer | 11/30/2017

Rod Rosenstein is about to take down Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump on live national television

By Bill Palmer | 11/30/2017

Donald Trump just lost a key defense in his Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 11/30/2017

Major new Donald Trump-Russia bombshell breaks involving several key Republican Senators

By Bill Palmer | 11/30/2017

Donald Trump’s petty antics are caving in on him

By Bill Palmer | 11/30/2017